Thursday, February 17, 2011

Trinity's Going Social!

The world is changing.  Not fast enough for some, too fast for others.  This can also be seen as a good thing, or a bad.  We think it's somewhere in between the two.  Picture this:

It's pouring rain and you're almost out of gas.  You pull into a gas station and a young kid, your neighbor's high school son, meets you at your window.  He asks you, "What would you like?" then proceeds to pump the gas for you.  But he doesn't stop there.  He lifts the hood of the car, checks the oil level, and washes the mud splatters off your windshield.  He even wishes you "good day" as you pull away.  All while wearing a rain coat that's barely keeping the freezing rain from drenching him to the bone!  

Now, THAT's what customer service used to be!  And that is what America wants and needs.  That's why social medias such as Twitter and Facebook have become so popular.  People are connecting again.  They're finding old school friends, long lost neighborhood pals, and family members that have moved to other states.  Social medias are bringing back kindness, manners, and hand shakes through a "LIKE" button, or a "Tweet I hear ya" back into society.  They are what their name implies - Social.  And they're connecting people and businesses again.

Trinity is going SOCIAL.  We have a brand new website  at TrinityHomeCenter with lots of pictures and an Online Lighting Catalog for your convenience!  We're also on Facebook at Trinity Home Design Center and Twitter at TrinityHDC, as well as this Blog where we can keep you up to date with the latest news or specials in the market place. 

We want to get to know you again, to listen to you and find out what we can do to help you.  We'll be offering tips and solutions for those do-it-yourself projects that you ask us about.  We'll inform you of what's new for the year, and give you a heads-up of what's being discontinued.  We'll offer you a personal tour of our showrooms and introduce you to our employees, so that you will feel as at home as we do, in our store.  Now, we won't be pumping your gas and checking your oil in the rain... but we do promise you a cup of coffee and a hardy handshake, and the best customer service around when you walk through our door.

Hope to see you soon! 
The Staff at Trinity Home Design Center